Monday, March 17, 2008

Repel with Permanone

I bought a can of Repel with Permanone, which is used as a bug spray that you spray over your gear and clothing. Once on your clothing, it fuses with the fibers and remains on the gear/clothing for up to two weeks and lasts through several washings. It repels and kills ticks, mosquitoes, and CHIGGERS!!! I bought it in the camping section of Fleet Farm/Farm and Fleet for roughly $3-4 and I'll bring it to seminar tomorrow night if anyone would like to use it. Just bring your clothing along and we'll spray some on. Also, Camp Suds can be found at Gander Mountain for $3 in the camping section... it's a little green bottle.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

First I checked out Repel with Permanone on a couple of web sites, and both said it was effective. So...I unpacked my field gear,sent Dave to Fleet Farm, got him to spray everything and now my gear is hanging in the garage instead of neatly folded to put in my duffle. I know I'll be thanking Christa if I am spared chigger bites! Fleet Farm usually carries Camp Suds as do Target and that W store I don't like to support.