Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hello Monkey Researchers

Hello Monkey Researchers,

Christa has set up this Blog for us, and I think it is a terrific idea. In addition to sharing updates and information now, we can also share photos after the trip. I've never participated in a Blog before, so this is a first for me. That's one thing about this Belize adventure, it keeps bringing "firsts" to us, even to some one who has been there 10 times already. Keeping track of "firsts" is something we did on a previous trip, and it was much fun to share them as the trip progressed and at the end. Some examples are....first time in an airplane, first time out of the country, first time seeing the ocean, first time hearing a howler monkey, first chigger bite. Let's see who can come up with the most "firsts" during this adventure. Dawn and I will come up with a prize for that person, and we'll award it on the last day of the trip.

Now, I need some guidance in participating in this blog thing. Please let me know what I'm supposed to do.

Thanks, Christa, for setting this up.

Happy Holidays to all of you,



Christa J. Droste said...

Hey, this is the "comments" part I was talking about! Great first message! Obviously, this blog will be a great communication tool for all of us--especially those of us who accidentally like to delete important trip messages! :) Anyway, this would also be a great thing for families and parents to use to keep up with us and the trip! In fact, if we have internet access down in Belize, we'll be able to update them through this blog while we're down there! The address for the blog is:

(I don't think the case matters in the address!)

Anyway, please refer to this blog as much as possible! Enjoy, and thanks!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to the 2008 Belize Travelers,

I wonder what was under your Christmas trees or in your stockings for the Belize trip. I received a couple of nice unlined travel journals and a copy of Zee Edgell's latest book. Please share with us.


aimee said...

Hello, it's Aimee i just wanted to say hello to everyone. For christmas i recieved a new pair of binoculars and bandanas which are fun.I pretty much have everything else that i need for the trip, but im always watching for more fun things to bring. Im looking forward to working with all of you on our wonderful journey.

Christa J. Droste said...

I hope everyone had an excellent break! For those of you who aren't around the Oshkosh area, or are in really warm regions of the world (lucky ducks!) let me give you an Oshkosh weather update! It's FREEZING!!! And, we've gotten a lot of snow!

Anyway, I had a great Christmas, too! I received a few gift certificates that I have already used to buy a Belize travel book--one with great descriptions and lots of awesome pictures of the country. The rest I will be using to buy those really expensive zippered-shorts/pants. Does anyone know where I can find cheaper pants? Scheels (spelling?) in Appleton has them for $60/ pair!!!

Well, see you all soon!

Anonymous said...

You can get those zip off pants at REI in Madison or Milwaukee, and they are on sale right now. I bought two pair for my husband for Christmas. I think I paid $39.95, which is much better than $60, the original price. Both those stores may be out of the way, so consider an on-line catalogs for REI or Campmor or others. Also, the fly fishing department at Fleet Farm used to have them, but they may not be in season right now.

aimee said...

You should all look at the trift stores like goodwill and st. vincent depauls. Theu have alot of stuff that is cheap.

Kathleen said...

...and while you are at the Thrift store, get one or two long sleeve shirts to wear over your tank tops and tee shirts. They are great cover-ups for protecting you from the sun and mosquitoes.

Craig Sigl said...
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Craig Sigl said...

Wahoo! I think it works...finally! Now, it there any way to get to the 2008 Belize Howler Monkey Blog from my own blog? or Do I need to type in the url that Kathleen provided in the last email?

As for Christmas... I have a few gift cards to use at sporting goods stores and I got a camp stove and pots/pans for camping. Can't wait to use them this summer! I was also lucky enough to do some downhill skiing in Colorado over the break!

Good to finally be a part of the blogging experience!


Christa J. Droste said...

When you get into the blog (our research blog) there should be a 'New Post' link up in the upper right hand corner of the screen/blog window. Click on that to get you started. If you're still having troubles, maybe we should meet so I can see exactly what your screen looks like and help you navigate it to write blogs. We really need more writers!


Christa J. Droste said...

Did you use your UWO alumni email to sign in to the blog? I still have you listed as not having accepted the invite yet. This may be why you have been having issues... let me know.


Craig Sigl said...

Hi Christa,

When I sign in I am brought straight to my own blog that I thought I needed to create. From my own blog how do I access the Belize blog?

Do I need to log in a different way? I have never used the invite and password numbers that were sent.

Christa J. Droste said...

This is Dawn, writing on Christa's account (technical difficulties, operator errors, don't ask!). You were signed up for the blog with the incorrect email address (csigl70 instead of csigl07) - check it again, you should be good to go!

Craig Sigl said...

I'm all set to go... I think. Thank you for the help!

Christa J. Droste said...

Craig, just to make sure... would you mind posting on the blog (this is different than commenting--it's what you've been reading on it) maybe about your lesson plan... I just want to make sure that if you can write on it--others should be able to as well.